Training and Consultant
Visi : Responsif, Handal & Terpercaya
Misi : Solusi & Performa Terbaik, Inovasi terus menerus
A. Training
1. Export Import
a. In house – Public Training
a.1. Trade Sales & Finance
- International Trade Payment Method & Risk Mitigation
- International Trade Mechanism
- International Trade Payment Method
- Examination Document Under ISBP745
- Structure Trade Finance & Special Letter Credit
- International Sales Contract & Letter Credit
- Trade Finance Method & Finance, Examination Document
- Introduction to International Trade Finance
- Intermediate of International Trade Finance
- Advanced of International Trade Finance
- Settlement Trade Finance berbasis SKKNI
- Awareness Trade Finance Risk
- Sales, Servicing and Operations of Trade Service and Trade Finance
a.2. Demand Guarantee
- Level Basic
- Level Intermediate
- Level Advance
- Sales, Servicing and Operations of Bank Guarantee & Demand Guarantee
a.3. Customs
a.4. Transportation
a.5. Shipping
a.6. Logistic
a.7. Ekspor Impor Integration (SKKNI/Uji Kompetensi Sertifkasi LSEII – LSPEI)
- Level 1 : Export Import for Executing Assistant
- Level 2 : Export Import for Executing
- Level 3 : Export Import for Manager
- Level 4 : Export Import for Supervisor
- Level 5 : Export Import for Expert
b. Tutorial and Certified Training
- Internal-certification for Documentary Credit Specialist (IDCS)
- Internal-certification for International Trade and Finance (IITF)
- Internal-certification for Specialist in Demand Guarantee (ISDG)
2. PerKreditan Bank Umum/BPR
a. In House – Public Training
- Credit Analysis Segment Micro
- Credit Analysis Segment Small Mediun Enterprise
- Credit Analysis Segment Commercial
- Credit Analysisi Segment Corporate
- Credit Analysis Segment Syndication
- Credit Analysis Multiguna
- Credit Analysis for Special Purpose
- Credit Analysis Working Capital Contractor and Stanby Credit
- Credit Analysis, Monitoring and Problem Solving
- Credit Verification Techniques
- Credit Scoring
- Credit Risk Modeling
- Credit Collection
- Credit Control, Collection and Negotiation Skill
- Credit Committee, Credit Recovery and Credit Restructuring
- Effective Credit Loan Recovery and Restructuring
- Effective Credit Control and Debt Collection
- Aspek Hukum Eksekusi atas Jaminan Kredit
- Analisis Pinjaman dan Risiko Kredit Dana PKBL
- Analisa Kredit Mikro; Teknis Praktis, Monitoring dan Pemecahan Masalah
b. Tutorial and Certified Training ( Partnership LSP Perbankan )
- Enhancing Your Skills Become A Succesful Credit Analyst (LSPP – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Perbankan)
How to Became A Credit Relationship Manager (LSPP – Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Perbankan)
- Marketing Mindset
- Digital Marketing
- Sales Technique 1
- Sales Technique 2
- Business Etiquette
- Business Process
- Financial Statements 1 dan 2
- Recasting
- Financial Statement Analysis 1 dan 2
- 5 C’s Analysis 1, 2 dan 3
- Formula Landing 1, 2, dan 3
- Preparing a Loan Package 1 dan 2
- Credit Monitoring
3. Agriculture Management
a. In House – Public Training
- Analisa Pemberian Kredit/ Pembiayaan Kebun Kelapa Sawit
- Level Basic
- Level Intermediate
- Level Advance
- Analisa Pemberian Kredit/ Pembiayaan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit
- Level Basic
- Level Intermediate
- Level Advance
- Manajemen Pengelolaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
- Manajemen Pengelolaan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Yang Ramah Lingkungan
- Analisa Pemberian Kredit/ Pembiayaan Kebun Kelapa Sawit
4. Human Resources Management
a. In House – Public Training
- Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Human Resource
- Adminstrative Human Resource
- Effective Human Resource
- Introduction to Human Resource Concept
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Learn Human Resource Fundamental for a Career
- Agile Human Resource Fundamental
- Human Resource and People Analytic
- Succesful Human Resource in Business
- Transformation and Develop Leadership
b. Tutorial and Certified Training (Partnership LSP Human Resource)
- Training and Certification MSDM
- Level Staff
- Level Supervisor
- Level Manager
HRCP ( The Human Resources Certification Programe )
- Training and Certification MSDM
5. Risk Management Non Bank
a. In House – Public Training
- Training ISO 31000 : 2018 Risk Management Principles and Guideline
- Training Integrated; Risk Management, Internal Control, Risk Control Self Assesment
- Analisa Manajemen Risiko Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)
- Risk Management Process dan Enterprise Risk Management
- Membangun Budaya Risiko dan Kepatuhan
- Operational Risk Management & Assurance Framework
- Manajemen Risiko Fintech P2P Lending
- Optimalisasi Manajemen Risiko di Sektor Jasa Keuangan
- Mitigasi Risiko Non Performing Loan dengan Early Warning System
- Mitigasi Risiko Non Performing Financing
- Optimalisasi Manajemen Risiko Multifinance
- Risk Based Approach APU & PPT
b. Tutorial and Certified Training (Partnership LSP Manajemen Risiko)
- CRMP ( Certified Risk Management Profesional )
- CRMO ( Certified Risk Management Officer )
- CRMA ( Certified Risk Management Assurance )
- CRGP ( Certified Risk Governance Profesional )
6. Audit Management
a. In House – Public Training
- Audit ISO 9001 : 2008
- Audit Management
- Audit Kredit Bank berbasis Manajemen Risiko
- Auditing Business Process
- Auditing Human Resources Process
- Auditing Investment Activities
- Auditing The Enterprise Risk Management ERM Process
- Strategic Skills For Finnacial Controllers
- Quality Assurance for Internal Audit Department
- Risk Based Audit and Control Self Assesment
- Tehnik Audit Internal K3
- Teknik dan Metodologi Audit Pengadaan Barang – Jasa
- Teknik Implementasi Audit 5S di Perusahaan
- Strategi Menghadapi Audit Kepabeanan, Keberatan, dan Banding
b. Tutorial and Certified Training (Partnership PPA FEB – UI)
- CA ( Chatered Accountant )
- CIA ( Certified Internal Auditor )
- CPA ( Certified Public Accountant )
- CPMA ( Certified Profesional Management Accountant
B. Consultant
Human Resource
- Recruitment up to Termination
- Assesment Develop and Promotion
- Oil Palm Plantation “End to End”
- Build and Managed Pabrik Kelapa Sawit
Risk Management
- Road Map Risk Management
- Tata Kelola Manajemen Risk
Perkreditan Bank
- How to Became A Credit Relationship Manager
- Enhancing Your Skills Become A Succesful Credit Analyst
1. Export Import
- Sudarsono, SE, CDCS
- Sonny Setywan, SE, MM, CDCS, CSDG, CITF, CTFC, QTFS
- Yusul Ismail, SE, MM, CDCS
- Bambang Saptono, SE, CSDG, CDCS
- Masta Peranginangin, SE
- Sunoto, SE, APEI
- Amri Arifin Abbas, Ir, APEI
- Antoni Tampubolon, SE, APEI
- Ruby Yudika, SE, MM, APEI
- Arijanto, Ir, MM, APEI
2. PerKreditan Bank Umum/BPR
- Agustinus Benyamin, SE, MM
3. Agriculture Management
- Ir. Mohamad Tohier, MM
- Herta Sianipar, SP, MMA
4. Human Resource Management
- Enny Nuur Aini, SP, MMSDM
5. Risk Management
- Ignatius, SE, MM, CRMP
6. Audit Management
- Ahmad Jaelani, S.Akt, M.Akt, CA, CIA, CPA
1 | Business Management | Trade Finance – Level Basic | HSTF1 | |||
Trade Finance – Level Intermediate | HSTF2 | |||||
Trade Finance – Level Advanced | HSTF3 | |||||
Bank Guarantee – Level Basic | HSBG1 | |||||
Bank Guarantee – Level Intermediate | HSBG2 | |||||
Bank Guarantee – Level Basic | HSBG3 | |||||
International Trade, Trade Finance, Guarantee – Bank Guarantee | ITTFBG | |||||
Export Impor – Level Basic | HSEI1 | |||||
Export Impor – Level Intermediate | HSEI2 | |||||
Export Impor – Level Advanced | HSEI3 | |||||
Export Impor – Level 1 | HSEIL1 | |||||
Export Impor – Level 2 | HSEIL2 | |||||
Export Impor – Level 3 | HSEIL3 | |||||
Export Impor – Level 4 | HSEIL4 | |||||
Export Impor – Level 5 | HSEIL5 | |||||
Sales Contract & Letter of Credit | HSSCLC | |||||
Incoterm & Canvassing | HSIC | |||||
2 | Transportation Management | |||||
2.a Land Transportation | Inland Cargo Transportation | TMICT | ||||
Mengemudi Angkutan Barang Khusus | TMABK | |||||
Mengemudi Angkutan Barang Peti Kemas | TMABPK | |||||
Mengemudi Angkutan Barang Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun | TMAB4 | |||||
Mengemudi Angkutan Barang Alat Berat | TMAB2 | |||||
2.b Sea Transportation | ISPS Code | TMISP | ||||
IMDG Code | TMIMDG | |||||
Port Security & Shipping Security | TMPSSS | |||||
Cargo & Container Handling | TMCCH | |||||
Break Bulk Cargo | TMBBC | |||||
Liquid Cargo | TMLC | |||||
Ship Agencies | TMSA | |||||
Chartering Practice | TMCP | |||||
Cargo & Shipping Insurance | TMCSI | |||||
Warehouse & Consolidator | TMWC | |||||
Sea Cargo Transportation | TMSCT | |||||
Stevedoring Operator | TMSO | |||||
Stevedoring Crane Operations | TMSCO | |||||
Stevedoring Equipment Controller | TMSEC | |||||
Stevedoring Equipment Operations/Light Load Shifting | TMSEOLLS | |||||
Stevedoring Operation Induction & Safety | TMSOIS | |||||
Stevedoring Equipment Operation/Specialized Load Shifting | TMSEOSLS | |||||
Stevedoring Gantry Crane Operations | TMSGCO | |||||
Stevedoring Reefer | TMSR | |||||
Stevedoring Ship Mounted Crane Operations | TMSSMCO | |||||
2.c Air Transportation | Introduction to the Airline Industry Course | TMIAIC | ||||
Introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) | TMISMS | |||||
Airline Cabin Crew Training Course | TMACCT | |||||
Airline Customer Service Course | TMACSC | |||||
Airline Marketing Course | TMAMC | |||||
Airline Finance & Accounting Management Course | TMAFAMC | |||||
Airline Revenue Management Course | TMARMC | |||||
Airport Operations Course | TMAOC | |||||
Airport Ramp Services | TMARS | |||||
Ground Operations Management | TMGOM | |||||
Airport Ramp Services | TMARS | |||||
Aviation Security Awareness | TMASA | |||||
Foundation Skill Of Aviation | TMFSOA | |||||
3 | Cargo Management | Cargo Introductory Course | CMCIC | |||
Air Cargo Transportation | CMACT | |||||
Live Animals Regulations Course | CMLRC | |||||
Dangerous Goods Regulations – Recurrent Course | CMDGRRC | |||||
IATA Cargo English Course | CMIATACEC | |||||
Shipping Perishable Cargo Course | CMSPCC | |||||
Supply Chain and Transport Modes Course | CMSCTMC | |||||
IATA Electronic Airwaybill (e-AWB) | CMIATAEA | |||||
International Air Cargo Rating Course | CMIACRC | |||||
Dangerous Goods Regulations – Initial Course | CMDGRIC | |||||
Shipping Guidelines for Infectious Substances Course | CMSGISC | |||||
IATA Cargo Security Awareness Course | CMIATACSAC | |||||
ULD Handling Course | CMULDHC | |||||
Dangerous Goods Awareness (cat.4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12) | CMDGA | |||||
4 | Logistic Management | Humanitarian Logistics | LMHL | |||
Transportation & Distribution Planning | LMTDP | |||||
Supply Chain Network Design Fundamental | LMSCNDF | |||||
Introduction to International Logistics | LMIIL | |||||
Warehouse Management | LMWM | |||||
Warehouse Operator | LMWO | |||||
Freight Forwading | LMFF | |||||
Inventory Planning & Management | LMIPM | |||||
Lean Inbound Logistics | LMLIL | |||||
Supply Chain Risk Management | LMSCRM | |||||
Logistic Operator | LMLO | |||||
5 | Kepabeanan Ekspor Impor | Kepabean Ekspor | KE | |||
Kepabean Impor | KI | |||||
6 | Asuransi Ekspor Impor | Asuransi Ekspor | AE | |||
Asuransi Impor | AI |
1 | Social Skill | Effective Time Management and Delegation | SSETMD | |||
Profesional Public Speaking | SSPPS | |||||
Effective Presentation Skill | SSEPS | |||||
2 | Process Skill | Effective Working Habit | PSEWH | |||
Win Win Negotiation Skill | PSWWNS | |||||
Negotiation Skill and Lobying | PSNSL | |||||
3 | Generic Skill | Creative Thinking and Problem Solving | GSCTPS | |||